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View the presentation on proofs or download it. The links refer to the slides of prof. Perelli and don't work on the website: you have to download the pdf in the same folder with the course's slides for the links to work.


An attribute is a pair; we can define the function on a set of names, which associates to each name a specific domain (different attributes can have the same domain)

PDF 7 slide 2

A relation schema is a set of attributes

Tuples & instances

PDF 7 slide 3 Given a relation schema , a tuple on is a function such that

Given a relation schema , a subset and a tuple on , the reduction of on is defined as

PDF 7 slide 4 Given a relation schema , a subset and tuples on

PDF 7 slide 5 Given a relation schema and tuples on , a set is an instance of

Functional dependencies

PDF 7 slide 6

Given a relation schema and we have that is a functional dependency on (noted as )

PDF 7 slide 7

Given a relation schema and a functional dependency defined on we say that an instance of satisfies the functional dependency if

Instance legality & closure

PDF 7 slide 14

Given a relation schema and a set of functional dependencies defined on , an instance of is legal if it satisfies every dependency in

PDF 7 slide 20

Given a relation schema and a set of functional dependencies defined on , the closure of is the set of functional dependencies that are satisfied by every legal instance of

doesn't necessarily have to be in

PDF 7 slide 21


By definition is legal if it satisfies every dependency given , every legal instance of satisfies


PDF 7 slide 22

Given a relation schema and a set of functional dependencies on , is a key of if

means proper subset, which implies that

Trivial dependencies

PDF 7 slide 26

Given a schema and , we have that every instance of satisfies the dependency


Given an instance of we have that

by definition as we have that
by definition

As we have that satisfies


PDF 7 slide 27

Given a schema and a set of functional dependencies on , we have that


PDF 8 slide 3 is a set of functional dependencies on such that

  • (refelxivity)
  • (augmentation)
  • (transitivity)

PDF 8 slide 6 derivates

  • (union)
  • (decomposition)
  • (pseudotransitivity)

PDF 8 slide 8

Derivates (Proofs)



by augmentation by transitivity


by transitivity


by augmentation by transitivity

RFRX \subseteq RXF(X)^+_FX \subseteq (X)^+_F


\forall A \in XX \to A \in F^A \impliesA \in (X)^+_F \implies X \subseteq (X)^+_F(X)^+_FF^A(X)^+_FF^+

Lemma of closure

PDF 8 slide 10



X \to Y \in F^A \impliesX \to A \in F^A ; \forall A \in Y \impliesA \in (X)^+_F ; \forall A \in Y \implies Y \subseteq (X)^+_FY \subseteq (X)^+_F \implies A \in (X)^+_F ; \forall A \in Y \impliesX \to A \in F^A ; \forall A \in Y \impliesX \to Y \in F^A

F^+ = F^ARFRF^+ = F^A


Let F_iFiF_0 = F

F^A \subseteq F^+

Base case

F_0 = F \subseteq F^+ \implies F_0 \subseteq F^+

Inductive step

F_i \subseteq F^+ \implies F_{i + 1} \subseteq F^+X \to Y \in F_{i + 1}X \to Y \in F_i \impliesX \to Y \in F^+X \to Y \in F_{i + 1} \setminus F_iX \to Y has been optained through one of the axioms

F^A \subseteq F^+


Y \subseteq X \impliesX \to YX \to Y \in F^+


Z \subseteq R, X = ZV, Y = ZW \land V \to W \in F_it_1, t_2 \in rRt_1[X] = t_2[X] \implies (t_1[V] = t_2[V] \impliest_1[W] = t_2[W]) \land t_1[Z] = t_2[Z] \implies t_1[Y] = t_2[Y]


X \to Z, Z \to Y \in F_i \implies\forall \text{ legal } r \text{ of } R, \forall t_1, t_2 \in r, t_1[X] = t_2[X] \implies t_1[Z] = t_2[Z] \implies t_1[Y] = t_2[Y]t_1[X] = t_2[X] \implies t_1[Y] = t_2[Y] \implies X \to Y \in F^+

F^+ \subseteq F^AX \subseteq Rr = \set{t_1, t_2}Rr(X)^+_FR \setminus (X)^+_Ft_1t_2rV \to W \in FV, W \neq \varnothingV \nsubseteq (X)^+_F \implies \exists A \in V : A \in R \setminus (X)^+_F \implies t_1[V] \neq t_2[V] \implies rV \to WV \subseteq (X)^+_FW \subseteq (X)^+_F \implies t_1[V] = t_2[V] \land t_1[W] = t_2[W] \implies rV \to WW \nsubseteq (X)^+_F \implies \exists A \in W : A \in R \setminus (X)^+_F \implies t_1[V] = t_2[V] \land t_1[W] \neq t_2[W]

F^+ \subseteq F^ArV \to W\exists V \to W \in FrV \to WV \subseteq (X)^+_F \impliesX \to V \in F^AA \in W \impliesV \to A \in F^AX \to A \in F^A \impliesA \in (X)^+_F which is a contraddiction


In the first 2 cases rV \to W \in F\implies rR

F^+ \subseteq F^AX \to Y \in F^+X \subseteq (X)^+_F \impliest_1[X] = t_2[X] \impliesrt_1[Y] = t_2[Y] \impliesY \subseteq (X)^+_F \implies X \to Y \in F^A

F^+ = F^AF_i \subseteq F^+ : \forall i \in \mathbb{N}F^+ \subseteq F^AF^+ = F^A


PDF 9 slide 14

Given a relation schema RFRR\forall X \to A \in F^+ : A \notin XAX is superkey

3NF pt.2

PDF 10 slide 4

Let RFRA \in RK\exists X \subset R : A \notin X \land X \to A \in F \land X \subset KAA \in RK\exists X \subset R : A \notin X \land X \to A \in F \land K \to X \in FXAX \subset RX \neq RR \to R \in F^A = F^+

3NF pt.3

PDF 10 slide 5

Given a schema RFRR\forall X \to A \in F^+ : A \notin XAX is superkey


TODO: I have it, I just have to write it out in \LaTeXRFRRF -->

BCNF (Boyce-Codd)

PDF 10 slide 20

A relation schema RF is a superkey. A relation that respects Boyce-Codd Normal Form is also in 3NF, but the opposite is not true.


PDF 11 slie 5

def clousure(R, F, X):
	Z = X
	S = { A ∈ R | Y → V ∈ F ∧ Y ⊆ Z ∧ A ∈ V }

	if S ⊆ Z:
		return Z

	return closure(R, F, Z ∪ S)



Let's consider Z_i, S_iZSiZ_f, S_f \mid S_f \subseteq Z_fZ, SZ_i \subseteq (X)^+_F

Z_i \subseteq (X)^+_F

Base case

Inductive step Z_i \subseteq (X)^+F \implies Z{i + 1} \subseteq (X)^+FZ_i \subseteq (X)^+F \implies Z{i + 1} \subseteq (X)^+FS_i = \set{A \in R \mid Y \to V \in F \land Y \subseteq Z_i \land A \in V}Z{i + 1} = Z_i \cup S_iA \in Z{i + 1}A \in Z_i \impliesA \in (X)^+_FA \in S_i \implies\exists Y \to V \in F \mid Y \subseteq Z_i \land A \in V \impliesY \subseteq (X)^+_F \impliesX \to Y \in F^AY \to A \in F^A \impliesX \to A \in F^A \impliesA \in (X)^+_F

(X)^+_F \subseteq Z_fZ_fr = \set{t_1, t_2}RrZ_fR \setminus Z_ft_1t_2rV \to W \in FV, W \neq \varnothingV \nsubseteq Z_f \implies \exists A \in V : A \in R \setminus Z_f \implies t_1[V] \neq t_2[V] \implies rV \to WV \subseteq Z_fW \subseteq Z_f \impliest_1[V] = t_2[V] \land t_1[W] = t_1[W] \impliesrV \to WW \nsubseteq Z_f \impliest_1[V] = t_2[V] \land t_1[W] \neq t_2[W]

(X)^+_F \subseteq Z_f\exists V \to W \in F : rV \to W \impliesV \subseteq Z_f \land V \to W \in F \land A \in W \impliesS_f, : A \in Z_f which is a contraddiction


In the first 2 cases rV \to W \in F\implies rR

(X)^+_F \subseteq Z_fA \in (X)^+_FX \to A \in F^A = F^+r\implies rX \to YX \subseteq Z_f \implies t_1[X] = t_2[X] \impliest_1[A] = t_2[A] \impliesA \in Z_f

Z_f = (X)^+_FZ_i \subseteq (X)^+_F ; \forall i \in \mathbb{N}(X)^+_F \subseteq Z_fZ_f = (X)^+_F

Intersection Rule

PDF 12 slide 19

Given a relation scheme RFRRRX \to R \in F^+RR is in 3NF


PDF 13 slide 8

Let R\rhoR


PDF 13 slide 12

Let FGF \implies F^+ = F^+ \implies F \equiv FF \equiv G \implies F^+ = G^+ \implies G^+ = F^+ \implies G \equiv FF \equiv G \land G \equiv H \implies F^+ = G^+ \land G^+ = H^+ \implies F^+ = H^+ \implies F \equiv HFG

F \subseteq G^+ \implies F^+ \subseteq G^+

Base case

F_0 = F \subseteq G^+ \implies F_0 \subseteq G^+

Inductive Step

F_i \subseteq G^+ \implies F_{i + 1} \subseteq G^+X \to Y \in F_{i + 1} \implies X \to YY \subseteq X \impliesX \to YX \to Y \in G^+\exists Z \subseteq R, V \to W \in F_i \mid X = ZV, Y = ZW

  • transitivity


Preserving F

PDF 13 slide 15

Let RFR\rho = \set{R_1, R_2, ..., R_k}R\rhoFGG \subseteq F^+ \implies G^+ \subseteq F^+F \subseteq G^+

Dependency preservation

PDF 13 slide 17

def preserves_dependencies(R, F, ρ):
	for X → Y ∈ F:
		if Y ⊈ closure_G(R, F, ρ, X):
			return false

	return true

This algorithm is enough as we just have to check wether F \subseteq G^+X \to Y \in FX \to Y \in G^+ = G^A \iffY \subseteq (X)^+_G

(X)^+_GRFR\rho = \set{R_1, R_2, ..., R_k}RX \subseteq R(X)^+_G

Z_f \subseteq (X)^+_GZ_i, S_iZSiZ_0 = XS_f \subseteq Z_fZS -->

Base case

Z_0 = X \subseteq (X)^+_G \implies Z_0 \subseteq (X)^+_G by HP

Inductive step

Z_i \subseteq (X)^+G \implies Z{i+1} \subseteq (X)^+GS_i = \bigcup\limits{j = 1}^k (Z_i \cap R_j)^+F \cap R_jA \in Z{i + 1} = Z_i \cup S_i \implies \exists j : A \in (Z_i \cap R_j) \cap R_j \implies Z_i \cap R_j \to A \in G^AZ_i \subseteq (X)^+_G \implies X \to Z_i \in G^AZ_i = (Z_i \cap R_j) \cup VX \to Z_i \cap R_j \in G^A \impliesX \to A \in G^A

X \subseteq Y \implies (X)^+_F \subseteq (Y)^+_FX \subseteq Y \implies Y \to X \in F^AA \in (X)^+_F \impliesX \to A \in F^A \impliesY \to A \in F^A \ \impliesA \in (Y)^+_F

(X)^+_G \subseteq Z_fX \subseteq Z_f \implies (X)^+_G \subseteq (Z_f)^+_GZ_f = (Z_f)^+_GA \in S' = \set{A \in R \mid V \to W \in G \land V \subseteq Z_f \land A \in W} \implies \exists V \to W \in G : V \subseteq Z_f \land A \in W \implies \exists R_j \in \rho : VW \subseteq R_j \implies V \subseteq Z_f \cap R_j \land A \in R_j \implies A \in (Z_f \cap R_j)^+_F \cap R_j \implies A \in S_f \implies A \in Z_f

Loseless join

r \subseteq m_{\rho}(r)t \in r \implies t[R_i] \in \pi_{R_i}(r) ; \forall R_i \in \rho\mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \pi_{R_i}(r) = \set {\bigcup\limits_{i = 1}^k p_i[R_i] \mid p_i[R_i] \in \pi_{R_i}(r) \land \bigcup\limits_{i = 1}^k p_i[R_i] \text{ is a function}}\forall t \in r, ; t = \bigcup\limits_{i = 1}^k t[R_i]\rhoR = \bigcup\limits_{i = 1}^k R_it \in r \implies tt = \bigcup\limits_{i = 1}^k t[R_i] \in \mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \pi_{R_i}(r) = m_{\rho}(r) \implies t \in m_{\rho}(r)\forall t \in r, ; t = \bigcup\limits_{i = 1}^k t[R_i] = \mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \set{ t[R_i] }t \in r \impliest[R_i] \in \pi_{R_i}(r) ; \forall R_i \in \rho \implies \set{ t[R_i] } \subseteq \pi_{R_i}(r) ; \forall R_i \in \rhot = \mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \set{ t[R_i] } \subseteq \mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \pi_{R_i}(r) = m_{\rho}(r) \implies t \in m_{\rho}(r)\forall t \in rt[R_i], : R_i \in \rhot \in \set{ t[R_1] } \bowtie ... \bowtie \set{ t[R_k] } \subseteq \pi_{R_1}(r) \bowtie ... \bowtie \pi_{R_k}(r) = m_{\rho}(r) -->

\pi_{R_i}(m_{\rho}(r)) = \pi_{R_i}(r)t_{R_i} \in \pi_{R_i}(m_{\rho}(r))t_{R_i} \in \pi_{R_i}(r)t \in r \impliest[R_i] \in \pi_{R_i}(r) ; \forall R_i \in \rho\pi_{R_i}(m_{\rho}(r)) = \set{q[R_i] \mid q \in \mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \pi_{R_i}(r)}

\pi_{R_i}(r) \subseteq \pi_{R_i}(m_{\rho}(r))t \in r \implies t \in m_{\rho}(r) \implies t[R_i] \in \pi_{R_i}(m_{\rho}(r))

\pi_{R_i}(m_{\rho}(r)) \subseteq \pi_{R_i}(r)q \in \mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \pi_{R_i}(r) \impliesq = \mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \set{ p_i[R_i] } \mid p_i \in r \impliesqq[R_i] = p_i[R_i]p_i \in r \implies p_i[R_i] \in \pi_{R_i}(r)q[R_i] \in \pi_{R_i}(r)\exists p_1, p_2, ..., p_k \in r \mid p_i[R_i] \in \pi_{R_i}(r) ; \forall i = 1,..., kt_{R_i} \in \pi_{R_i}(m_{\rho}(r)) \iff \exists t' \in m_{\rho}(r) : t'[R_i] = t_{R_i} \iff\iff \exists t_1, ..., t_k \in r : t'[R_j] = t_j[R_j] \quad \forall R_j \in \rhot_{R_i} = t[R_i] \in \pi_{R_i}(r) -->

m_{\rho}(m_{\rho}(r)) = m_{\rho}(r)m_{\rho}(m_{\rho}(r)) = \mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \pi_{R_i}(m_{\rho}(r)) = \mathop{\bowtie}\limits_{i = 1}^k \pi_{R_i}(r) = m_{\rho}(r)m_{\rho}(m_{\rho}(r)) = \pi_{R_1}(m_{\rho}(r)) \bowtie ... \bowtie \pi_{R_k}(m_{\rho}(r)) = \pi_{R_1}(r) \bowtie ... \bowtie \pi_{R_k}(r) = m_{\rho}(r)m_{\rho}(m_{\rho}(r)) = \pi_{R_1}(m_{\rho}(r)) \bowtie ... \bowtie \pi_{R_k}(m_{\rho}(r)) = \pi_{R_1}(r) \bowtie ... \bowtie \pi_{R_k}(r) = m_{\rho}(r)t_{R_i} \in \pi_{R_i}(r)t_{R_i} \in \pi_{R_i}(m_{\rho}(r))t_{R_i} \in \pi_{R_i}(r) \land t' \in rt'[R_i]t'[R_i] \in t_{R_i} -->

Loseless join pt.2

PDF 15 slide 15 Given \rho = \set{R_1, R_2, ..., R_k}r|R|kija_jA \in R_{i}b_{ij}

def has_looseless_join(R, F, ρ):
	while !(∃ t ∈ r | ∀ A ∈ R, t[A] = a) and r changed:
		for X → Y ∈ F:
			for t1 ∈ r:
				for t2 ∈ r:
					if t1[X] = t2[X] and t1[Y] != t2[Y]:
						for A ∈ Y:
							if t1[A] = a:
								t2[A] = t1[A]
								t1[A] = t2[A]

	return ∃ t ∈ r | ∀ A ∈ R, t[A] = a


PDF 15 slide 19

Let RFR\rho = \set{R_1, R_2, ..., R_k}R\rhor = m_{\rho}(r) \iff rar = m_{\rho}(r) \implies ra\LaTeX

Minimal cover

PDF 17 slide 7

Let RFRFG \equiv F\forall X \to Y \in G, |Y| = 1\forall X \to A \in G, \nexists X' \subset X \mid G \equiv (G - \set{X \to A}) \cup \set{X' \to A}\nexists X \to A \in G \mid G \equiv G - \set{X \to A}

Minimal cover (step 1)

F_1 = \set{X \to A \mid X \to Y \in F \land A \in Y}F \overset{A}{\to} F_1F_1 \overset{A}{\to} F_1^A \implies F \subseteq F_1^AF_1 \overset{A}{\to} FF \overset{A}{\to} F^A \implies F_1 \subseteq F^AF \equiv F_1

Minimal cover (step 2)

Given X \to A \in F_1, X' \subset X \land X' \to A \in F_1^+ \implies F_2 = (F_1 \setminus \set{X \to A}) \cup \set{X' \to A}X' \subseteq X \implies X \to X' \in F_1^+ \land X \to X' \in F_2^+X \to A \in F_1X \to A \in F_2 \implies X \to A \in F_2^+X \to A \notin F_2 \implies X \to X' \in F_2^+ \land X' \to A \in F_2^+ \implies X \to A \in F_2^+X \to A \in F_2X \to A \in F_1 \implies X \to A \in F_1^+X \to A \notin F_1 \implies X \to A \in F_1^+F_2 \equiv F_1 \implies F \equiv F_2\equiv relationship

Minimal cover (step 3)

X \to A \in F_2, ; A \in (X)^+{F_2 \setminus \set{X \to A}} \implies F_3 = F_2 \setminus \set{X \to A}X \to A \in F_2X \to A \in F_3 \implies X \to A \in F_3^+X \to A \notin F_3 \implies X \to A \in F_3^+A \in (X)^+{F_3}X \to A \in F_3X \to A \in F_2 \implies X \to A \in F_2^+X \to A \notin F_2F_3 = F_2 \setminus \set{X \to A}F_2 \equiv F_3 \implies F \equiv F_3


def decomposition(R, F: minimal cover):
	S = ∅
	ρ = ∅

	for A ∈ R | ∄ X → Y ∈ F : A ∈ XY:
		S = S ∪ {A}

	if S != ∅:
		R = R - S
		ρ = ρ ∪ {S}

	if ∃ X → Y ∈ F | XY = R:
		ρ = ρ ∪ {R}
		for X → A ∈ F:
			ρ = ρ ∪ {XA}

Decomposition pt.2

PDF 19 slide 5

Let RFR\rhoR\rho\rhoF