Recurrence Equations

We'll analyzer the computational cost of the following recursive search algorithm.

def search(list, value, index=0):
    if list[index] == value:
        return index;

    if index == len(list) - 1:
        return None

    return search(list, value, index + 1)

The first step, requires writing out a system of the equation and the base case of the algorithm.

Now let's solve the equation, in four different methods.


Idea: - develop the equation and express it as sum of terms depending on and the base case.

Difficulty: - many algebric calculations to do.

Then we calculate the equation when , the base case.


TODO: draw trees in markdown!


Idea: - ipothize a solution for the given recurrence equation - verify (by induction) wether it works

Difficulty: - it's hard to find a solution as close as possible to the real solution - it's used mainly in demonstrations

Let's suppose , and , where and are fixed constants.

This doesn't mean that T(1), which is a is the same as , so we need two constants.

Now we have to prove that is a and a using induction.

where k is to be determined.

Base Case

First, check for which values the base case is verified.


Then check if the general case is covered by the base case.

We get that , we can always find constants and so that greater than both, so the induction is verified.

where k is to be determined.

Base Case

First, check for which values the base case is verified.


Then check if the general case is covered by the base case.

We get that , we can always find constants and so that smaller than both, so the induction is verified.


Idea: - It's a set of formulas to solve a recurrence equation

Difficulty: - works only when the equation is in the form with



The equation:

There are three cases that can generate by comparing with :

The comparison must be polynomial, by an order of .

Where not to apply it?

In the following examples, the main method cannot be applied.

Ex 1

In this case, is asintotically bigger than n, but not plynomially bigger. In fact

Ex 2

In this case, is asintotically smaller than n, but not plynomially smaller. In fact