Vectors & Matrices


The MIPS architecture allows both big-endian and little-endian byte ordering, but the little-endian one is most commonly used. Endianness has to do on how bytes are addressed in memory, and it's related to how the access of each individual byte is made.




There are many types of vectors you can handle in MIPS:

    byte: .byte 29, 8, 1, 29, 2, -3
    half: .half 10, -4, 20, -8, 22, 12
    word: .word 2, 29012, 29, 5, -12905, -290125

    # decimal 

    float: .float 2.5, -1.2, 21.90, -5.0
    double: .double 2.5, -1.2, 21.90, -5.0

    # strings

    string: .asciiz "Holy Moly, who ate my Canoli?"

Note that .asciiz stands for "zero terminated string", which means it has a '\0' nullchar at the end.

Vector Iterations

You can iterate vectors and matrices in two ways:


  • useful if you need the index of each element
  • the increment of the index doesn't depend on the size of the elements
  • you have to convert the index each time, according to the size of the elements
    vector: .word 10, 2, 980, 29, 1992, -2, 59, 280, 99
    size: .word 9
    la $s0, vector #; s0 = vector address
    la $t1, size #; t1 = address of size
    lw $t1, ($t1) #; t1 = size

    li $t0, 0 #; t0 is the index i

        bge $t0, $t1, end #; if i == size, end loop

        sll $t2, $t0, 2 #; offset = i * 4 (shift logic left by 2)
        addi $t2, $t2, $s0 #; t2 = current address = offset + address

        lw $t7, ($t2) #; load value from current address, and maybe use it

        #; rest of the code ...

        addi $t0, $t0, 1 #; i = i + 1
        j for #; loop again

TODO: check if it works


  • you work directly with the address
  • less calculations to do in the cycle
  • you don't have the index of the element
  • the increment depends on the size of the elements
  • you must calculate the index after the last element
    vector: .word 10, 2, 980, 29, 1992, -2, 59, 280, 99
    size: .word 9
    la $t0, vector #; t0 = vector address

    la $t1, size #; t1 = address of size
    lw $t1, ($t1) #; t1 = size
    sll $t1, $t1, 2 #; size = size * 4 (we are handling words)
    add $t1, $t0, $t1 #; t1 = end address = vector address + size * 4 (this is the address after the last one in the vector)

        bge $t0, $t1, end #; if current address == vector end address, end loop

        lw $t7, ($t0) #; load value from current address, and maybe use it

        #; rest of the code ...

        addi $t0, $t0, 4 #; current address = current address + 4 (we move by 4 bytes, because we are using words) 
        j for #; loop again

TODO: check if it works


If you want a 7 (rows) x 13 (columns) matrix, you need enough space for 91 elements:

    matrix: .word 0:91

Matrixes are stored in memory like vectors, each row is laid one after the other. To work with n-sized matrices, you just lay out one matrix after the other in memory (you can have a 3-dimensional matrix, for example, where the z coordinate dictates the layer, or the matrix, you are working with)